African Violets

By Tom Lee

African Violets (Saintpaulia) is a house plant that can flower throughout the year. These plants can flower in low light and be in bloom for 365 days a year.

African Violets are very easy to take care of but they do need some proper care.

African Violets are beautiful houseplants that you can count on to bloom.  These plants don't take up alot of space and they are the most common houseplants in the world.

African Violets come in many sizes and colors such as pink, white, violet, lavender, magenta and many other.  Some african violets bloom in many colors and others just bloom in one color pink and white, violet and white.


For more information on Care for African Violets please visit this website Growing African Violets  and  African Violets at University of Florida

Common diseases that can kill African violets are:

These are just a few of the diseases that can kill these plants if you want more info on other diseases please visit this website AFRICAN VIOLET (SAINTPAULIA)

Propagation: For more information on propagating African Violets Please visit: Starting New African Violets



African Violets at University of Florida
African violet Online
NDSU Extension Service

To get more info on African Violets please visit these websites.
African Violets
African violets from Aggie Horticulture
African centre
African violet society america
African Violets at University of Florida
Garden African Violets help at hand
GLP African Violets
Green Thumb
NDSU Extension Service
Optimara Caring for African Violets